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Universities in United Kingdom with Doctoral Degree (PhD) courses in Languages, Literature

  • City, University of London Logo

    London, England, United Kingdom

    City, University of London is a leading international university and the only university in London to be both committed to academic excellence and focused on business and the professions. We are proud of the quality of our education, research and enterprise and our position among the top five per cent of universities in the world (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2014/15) and 9th for graduate-level jobs (The Sunday Times University Guide 2015). City's unique focus on both academic...

  • Aston University Logo

    Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

    Since its establishment in 1895 and its recognition in 1966, Aston is one of UK's most premier higher education institutes centred on research. Ranked a top university for graduate employability for 20 years running (80 in the World and 12th in the UK according QS Graduate Employability Rankings), Aston places high dedication and drive for placements after graduation, earning an employability rate of 80% within the first six months of finishing, higher than the sector average of 73%...

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